There are things that every parent wants their children to know. Sometimes when I speak, I am certain my children hear me as the Charlie Brown teacher.
Subway signs are a trendy decor item right now. Shouting out popular messages such as 'Stay Calm and Carry On'. Good advice. However, I wanted my children have something like a 2 x 4 to remember what I want them to know. And since I know that opening the Bible takes some effort, I thought a large cabinet door hung in the middle of our house that we pass 100's of times a day, might just be the ticket. So, I started with this cabinet door:
I wanted a distressed look, so I painted it black, wiping off excess paint and applying my favorite antiquing gel.
I then used my Cricut and began cutting all of my words of wisdom out of vinyl. This took a really long time. If you don't want to spend too much time on this, get a smaller board. Or, learn how to keep your lecture, I mean wisdom, brief and to the point. When applying the vinyl, it helps to use transfer paper, so they say. But, that would take me actually getting to the store and purchasing it. And when I am ready to do a project, sometimes I think I can do it with out the 'proper' tools. And I did. However, I did find that using this handy Post-It tape that is repositionable helped keep things straight.
And here it is...all of our words of wisdom. Or the things that I hear Bill and I repeating ourselves, over and over again. Now we can say, 'Please read the family rules, and get back with me.'
I know it has worked when I hear them in 20 years saying the same things to their children...revenge...he he he!
Love this idea...great job!