Welcome to Picadilly & Company

Picadilly & Company, creating home decor knick knacks one party at a time. We provide you and your guests a fun evening creating a home decor items while in your home. It's a great venue for a Girls Night Out, family get together, etc. However, before we can create them in your home, I create them for my home. And there are some things I do, that I just cannot bring to someone's home. So, check out what I'm working on, maybe it will inspire you. To visit the company website, go to http://www.picadillyandcompany.com/
Currently I am preparing for our holiday homes tour. I will begin decorating for Christmas the day after Thanksgiving. In the meantime I am creating different projects to decorate with. So, the ideas I am sharing do not show the final stage often due to that. In December I will post pictures of the final outcome. Thanks for stopping by. And please, check out the website above!


Apothecary Pumpkins

With the arrival of autumn, it was obviously time to pull out my autumn decorations. As much as I enjoy doing so, my decorations are getting a bit tired and old. I almost tossed these pumpkins I have. They have a bit of texture to them and some sparkle. However they have lost some sparkle over the years. In one more attempt to resurrect them this year, I came up with this. Below are the supplies I used, plus black paint and a hot glue gun.
I used old wooden candle holders as my base and used finials from Lowe's and spray painted them black. As the paint dried, I worked on my pumpkin. I cut off the stem of each pumpking (it is just foam). With the burlap ribbon I hot glued a simple ruffle going around the top. Burlap ribbon is now everywhere but the best price is at Michael's or Hobby Lobby from what I have found. Once the paint was dry, I hot glued the finial to the top of the pumpkin and also glued the base of the pumpkin to the candle holder.